Backlink Checker

Backlink Checker offers 100% FREE, instant, online reports of the number of backlinks pointing to domain or webpage URL by the top two search engines; Google and Bing. No CAPTCHAs.

How to use:

  1. Enter a domain or webpage URL into the box below.
  2. Click the "Check backlinks" button.
  3. A new browser tab/window will open with the backlink report. If nothing happens, try pausing any software that may be blocking the popup. Alternatively, try a different web browser.

Nov. 5, 2015: The Backlink Checker is no longer available. Please accept my sincerest apologies for any inconvenience caused.

Backlink Checker Unavailable


  • Aug. 20, 2012: Fixed Bing results.
  • Jun. 21, 2012: Fixed Google and Bing results.
  • Feb. 6, 2012: Yahoo! Search has merged with Bing. Hence we've removed Yahoo! Search from the results.
  • Once you click the "Check backlinks" button, please be patient as it can take up to 10 seconds to process your search. If nothing happens after 30 seconds, close the popup window and try again.
  • "--" means no results for the URL entered. Try another one.
  • Entering "" and "" may produce different backlink results.
  • The system displays the last 10 URLs you checked, so you can compare your different domains or webpages. Cookies must be accepted by your web browser for this feature to work.
  • Backlinks refer to the number of inlinks pointing to a webpage. The more inbound links pointing to a webpage, the better, because it plays a big part in how search engines rank webpages.
  • Google and Bing only return a limited number of backlinks pointing to a website. So only use the backlink figures as a rough guide.
  • Backlink results may vary due to factors beyond our control. These include your location, time of day, indexing runs, traffic load, load balancing measures, server timeout, ongoing ranking jobs, etc.
  • Backlink Checker not working properly? Get in touch. I'd love to hear from you.