Price: free/$15-125 per month
Requirements: online
Company: Go Smart Solutions, LLC.
FaceItPages Features
FaceItPages provides you with online tools to create Facebook pages.
Features include:
- Facebook page do it yourself designer with over 60 templates.
- 20+ Facebook Timeline apps.
- Tracking reports for your Facebook pages.
- Promote your Facebook page with +Promote.
- Fan gate app.
- Promo coupon app.
- Contest app.
- Page contact form.
- Advanced tab reports.
- No FaceItPages branding.
- Mobile and web versions.
- Interactive page editor.
- Embed user interface into your site.
- Embed website app: add a website or web page directly into your Facebook page.
- Schedule posts: schedule posts for multiple pages from one centralized dashboard.
- YouTube app: add your marketing video, welcome message, or other presentations from YouTube.
- Integrate your Pinterest activity within your Facebook page.
- Add your Tumblr posts and photos to your Facebook page.
- Add your Flickr photos into your Facebook business page.
- Photo gallery app: you can showcase large photos with a title, Pinterest buttons, and like buttons.
- Map app: set up a customized map with multiple locations.
- HTML app: toggle between source view and design view to ad your own HTML and CSS code.
- Page header app: upload a company or business branded header to the top of your page.
- Page menu app: create a navigation style menu tab which links to other tabs within your page or to external pages of your choice.
- WordPress to Facebook app: give your fans a glimpse into your latest content by displaying your latest Wordpress blog posts directly within your Facebook page.
- Twitter feed to Facebook app.
- Feature your products with description, price, photo, and buy now buttons right on your Facebook Page.
- Branded contact block: create a signature block on your Facebook page with your logo, photo, and contact information.
- Comments app.
- Scribd app: add one or more scribd documents directly to your Facebook business page.
- Slideshare app.
- Music playlist app: upload your MP3 music files to a playlist.
- Add links to your Facebook page: the links module allows you to add unlimited links to your Facebook page.
- Timeline cover app: create a timeline cover with your bio, logo, and more.