Price: $229/299/399 per year (1 month free trial)
License: lifetime
Requirements: Windows (Excel 2003/2007/2010/2011)/Mac OS X Excel 2011
Version: 3
Company: MT Analytics
GA Data Grabber Features
GA Data Grabber web analytics tools combines metrics for multiple sites into a single view for Google Analytics, AdWords, Facebook, and Bing Ads.
Features include:
- Multiple user account login: combining data over user accounts.
- Fetch up to a million rows of results.
- Dynamic date ranges in reports.
- Fetches any metrics available through the Analytics/AdWords/Bing Ads API's.
- Automated KPI reporting.
- Customizable charts.
- Add formulas to calculate your own KPI based on the data generated.
- Split results by dimensions.
- Parallel query run.
- Pick several Google Analytics segments into one report.
- Generates charts and other visualizations.
- Publish Excel data to the net via Google Charts API.
- Generates PowerPoint presentations of the results.
- Export reports to PDF or to separate Excel files.
- Filter by advanced segments or custom filter.
- Automatically calculates % difference and shows trending performance
- Keyword tool:
- Fetch stats such as search volumes, trends and competition metrics for a set of keywords defined.
- Fetch new keyword ideas based on the input.
- Authentication is done via OAuth, a secure method recommended by Google.
- Works inside Excel - no installation needed.
- Compatible with Google Documents spreadsheet.
- Updates free with license purchase.
- Share easy: not a plugin but an embedded code in the spreadsheet.
- New API features immediately available.
- Query parameters can be output from other functions or macros.