Price: $69.95-995 per month (free trial)
Requirements: online
Company: Trellian Pty. Ltd.
Tags: keyword tool
Keyword Discovery Features
Keyword Discovery's keyword tool helps you find keywords for SEO and PPC campaigns.
Features include:
- Search term data from over 200 search engines worldwide.
- Analyze and qualify keywords, including historical trends, competitors, keyword effectiveness, PPC bid values and more.
- Find out who your main competitors are and which ones get the most traffic for a given keyword.
- Create your own tool to access Keyword Discovery's keyword database via XML API.
- Projects can be copied, deleted, renamed, added to, deleted from, translated and exported.
- Find keyword PPC bid information from Yahoo!
- Import keywords directly via external sources, such as Excel, Text files, Meta tags, and URLs.
- Global premium keyword database: contains over 4.4 billion keyword searches.
- Regional keyword databases: includes a number of country-specific databases, including Australian, Canadian, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish, UK, and US.
- Industry terms tool provides lists of common search terms grouped by category.
- Specialty databases: news, adult, and question phrases databases.
- EBay keyword database and shopping keywords database.
- Google keyword database and Yahoo! keyword database.
- Find the most broadly related keywords before drilling-down and analyzing.
- Find out who your main competitors are and which ones get the most traffic for a given keyword.
- Thesaurus search provides a set of keywords and phrases that have similar "word-sense" to keywords entered.
- Phrase match search, return search terms containing the keywords in the exact order provided.
- Adult filter will strip out all the adult based search phrases from the results.
- Retrieve keywords from Meta tags.
- Keyword effectiveness indicator tool (KEI).
- Compare up to 5 search terms at once and see trends for specific countries.
- Identify who your top organic and PPC competitors are for any given keyword.
- Analyze keyword lists; choose advanced filters, including specific search engines and keyword databases.
- Check if popular search phrases are available to be registered as .com or .net domains.
- Google formatting tool helps generate keyword lists ready for use with Google AdWords.
- Measure the keyword density of all keywords on any page of any site.
- Identify seasonal search trends over the previous 12 months.
- Find keyword PPC bid information from Yahoo!.
- Translate keywords from English, Dutch, French, German, Italian, and Spanish.
- Analyze long tail or tail end keyword data.
- Analyze search behaviour trends per country.
- FAQ answers the most commonly asked questions.
- Video tutorials and PDF manuals.