Local SEO Features
Local SEO, by David VanBergen, offers a guide to help you establish an internet presence that will put your business in front of your potential customers.
Features include:
- 49 pages.
- Easy to understand guide.
- Outlines basic definitions.
- Learn about basic online marketing terms.
- Introduction to search engine optimization.
- Find out how local SEO is different.
- Learn about keyword research for local searches.
- Explains how search engines rank web pages.
- Focuses on Google Places.
- Talks about traditional SEO.
- Shows you screen shots.
- Learn how to turn website visitors into paying customers.
- Discovering other business directories.
- Covers social media sites.
- Learn about article and video marketing.
- Talks about video sharing sites.
- Learn how to use article directories.
- Focuses on things you can do to get quick results.
- Helps you establish an internet presence.
- Teaches you how to get ranked high in the search engines.
- Author: David VanBergen.