Price: $19.95+ per month (30 days free trial)
License: lifetime
Requirements: online, Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7
Company: Nifty Solutions Ltd
Nifty Stats Features
Nifty Stats' desktop affiliate marketing software helps you monitor your affiliate marketing and PPC stats by gathering them into one location.
Features include:
- Track 10,000s of affiliate programs, advertising networks and online campaigns.
- Sales reports sent directly to your cell phone.
- Free web hosting.
- Graphic analysis of sales, expenses, clicks, rebills, and impressions.
- See an overview of all your earnings due from an affiliate program or advertising network.
- Email notifications for every new sale.
- Reports and stats emailed daily.
- Real time statistics.
- Verification of the sponsor payout.
- Compare your trading positions with various affiliate programs and advertising networks.
- Graphic statistics analysis.
- Data safety (client side software).
- Simple to add and set up affiliate programs or advertising networks.
- Support of multiple download processes.
- Auto download of stats and data.
- Compare statistics for two time periods.
- Statistical reports for any time period.
- Support of several currencies including the Dollar, Euro, and Pound.
- Automatic currency conversion.
- Support of custom stats (user editable statistics).
- Estimated potential earnings for the next month.
- Copy and export stats to CSV files (for Excel, and TXT).
- Portable version available.
- Arrange affiliate programs into groups.
- Lifetime free upgrades, updates and support.