Price: $55/65/75 per month (30 day free trial)
Requirements: online
Company: SalesNexus LLC.
Tags: crm software
SalesNexus Features
SalesNexus web based CRM software helps you capture leads, automate the response, and measure your performance.
Features include:
- Email marketing.
- Task, call and sales appointment management.
- Contact management system.
- HTML email templates.
- Unlimited email blasts.
- Opt-in/out email lists.
- Autoresponder.
- Drip email campaigns.
- Reporting wizards.
- Step-by-step processes.
- Pre-designed templates.
- Outlook sync.
- Free B2B contacts via LeadFerret.
- Alerts of prospect activity.
- Web-to-lead forms.
- Email capture and archival.
- Tracking of email opens and clicks.
- Multi-step, multi-media email marketing campaigns.
- Import existing customer files.
- Import new lists and update existing contacts.
- Manage contacts and accounts.
- Share calendars, delegate follow ups.
- Manage sales opportunities.
- Attach documents.
- Click to dial.
- Mobile CRM and sync.
- Email blast including attachments.
- Unlimited multi-step auto responders.
- Opt-in/out management.
- Track email opens and clicks.
- Trigger alerts on email opens and clicks.
- Web lead capture.
- Analytics and reports.
- Direct mail automation/outsourcing.
- Mail merge letters, proposals and contracts.
- Multi-media and multi-user workflows and processes.
- Easily customized analytics.
- Unlimited custom fields and screens.
- Assign ownership and permissions.
- Automated email archival.
- Export reports to Excel.
- Automatic updates and enhancements.
- Weekly live training sessions.
- In-house set up consultation available.
- Do it yourself set up guide.
- Self guided quick start program.
- 100% money-back ROI guarantee.
- Unlimited same day phone, email and chat support.