Viral Marketing

These viral marketing books will show you the latest strategies, tactics and techniques to building successful viral marketing campaigns.
Viral Explosions! screenshot
Price: $14.31/17.15 | Formats: paperback, Kindle | Tags: viral marketing
Viral Explosions!, by Peggy McColl, teaches viral marketing techniques to establish an online presence and build your brand. Features: 224 pages, reaching a global audience, generate additional revenue, customer loyalty, build a subscriber base, and launching your viral explosion.
The Secrets Of Word-of-Mouth Marketing screenshot
Price: $11.19/14.00 | Formats: paperback, Kindle | Tags: viral marketing
The Secrets Of Word-of-Mouth Marketing, by George Silverman, provides step-by-step guidance for constructing a viral marketing campaign. Features: 272 pages, case studies, delivery mechanisms, and targeting Web 2.0 customers.
Increase Online Sales Through Viral Social Networking screenshot
Price: $11.98/24.95 | Formats: paperback, Kindle | Tags: viral marketing, social media marketing
Increase Online Sales Through Viral Social Networking, by Stephen Woessner, teaches you the fundamentals of social media and viral marketing. Features: 288 pages, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, create accounts, and build an online community.
Word of Mouth Marketing screenshot
Price: $10.85/11.99/17.95 | Formats: paperback, Kindle, audio | Tags: viral marketing
Word of Mouth Marketing, by Andy Sernovitz, shows how companies get their best customers through the power of word-of-mouth viral marketing. Features: 240 pages, getting your message to travel, tracking, social media, viral marketing, evangelists, buzz, and creating action plan.
Your Band Is A Virus screenshot
Price: $11.99/16.99 | Formats: paperback, Kindle | Tags: viral marketing
Your Band Is A Virus, by James Moore, offers viral marketing advice and strategies for musicians or bands looking for exposure. Features: 76 pages, music marketing guide, DIY promotional strategies, using micro-job sites, branding, guerilla marketing, podcasts, and promoting to music blogs.
The New Rules of Marketing & PR screenshot
Price: $10.39/11.87 | Formats: paperback, Kindle | Tags: viral marketing, social media marketing
The New Rules of Marketing & PR, by David Meerman Scott, teaches you the latest trends in marketing and PR. Features: 366 pages, online forums, RSS feeds, create your own Wiki, power of blogs, using audio & video, mobile marketing, podcasting, social networking, and SEO.