Price: $20.23/21.22
Formats: paperback, Kindle
Version: 2nd edition
Released: August 7, 2012
Web Marketing All In One For Dummies Features
Web Marketing All In One For Dummies 2nd edition, offers 8 books in one covering internet marketing strategies.
Features include:
- 936 pages.
- 8 books in 1:
- Establishing a Web Presence.
- Search Engine Optimization.
- Web Analytics.
- Online Advertising.
- E-Mail Marketing.
- Blogging and Podcasting.
- Social Media Marketing.
- Mobile Marketing.
- Tips for making your website search engine friendly.
- The essentials to monitor and improve your site.
- The rules for setting up pay-per-click campaigns.
- Ways to send targeted e-mails that avoid complaints.
- How to write blog posts that keep readers coming back for more.
- Strategies for creating an effective social media plan.
- Techniques for getting started with mobile advertising.
- Provides invaluable advice for establishing a web presence.
- How to get your message out with online advertising.
- Zeroes in on search engine optimization so that your site can be discovered by search engines.
- Explains how web analytics can offer you a better understanding of your web marketing efforts.
- Details ways to establish an online voice with blogging and podcasting.
- Walks you through the potential of social media marketing with Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.
- About the authors:
- John Arnold is the author of E-Mail Marketing For Dummies and co-author of Mobile Marketing For Dummies.
- Ian Lurie is President of Portent, Inc.
- Marty Dickinson is President of HereNextYear.
- Elizabeth Marsten is Director of Search Marketing at Portent, Inc.
- Michael Becker is the Managing Director of North America at the Mobile Marketing Association.