Price: $59.95/69.95/259.95 (30 day free trial)
License: lifetime
Requirements: online, Windows 98/XP/Vista/7
Version: 5
Company: PhotonFX Software
Tags: website builder software
Easy Website Pro Features
Easy Website Pro website builder software helps you build websites with templates.
Features include:
- Editable templates, themes, buttons, and logos.
- Apply any color to background, foreground, text, and links.
- Email contact forms.
- Insert .mp3, .mpeg, .avi and, .swf files.
- Flexible page construction.
- Save and load your projects to the hard disk or create backups.
- Ready-made templates for page contents, galleries, or mail forms.
- Publish your website directly out of the program to the internet.
- Embedding of your photos and images.
- Administration of multiple FTP accounts.
- WYSIWYG editor.
- Creation of websites by using pre-assembled project templates.
- Formatting without HTML knowledge.
- Export your project to HTML files on your hard disk.
- Configurable intros in HD format.
- Creation of tables and insertion of table templates.
- Large number of ready made layout templates.
- Hierarchical menus and drop down menus.
- Color composition.
- Create thumbnails.
- Easy selection of graphical components.
- Insert PDF files, documents or other files for download.
- Embed one of the supplied logos or import your own graphic.
- Embed music and video.
- Insert YouTube videos in your pages.
- Technical support with a ticket system.
- Sell your products via PayPal buttons.
- Real time preview.
- VeriSign certificate.
- SSL (secure sockets layer) connection.
- Video tutorials.
- 30 day money back guarantee.