Price: $795-14,995+ or $69-999+ per month
Requirements: Microsoft IIS, .NET 4.0, SQL Server
Version: 5.1
Released: August 2, 2012
Company: Countersoft Limited
Gemini Features
Gemini is an all-in-one issue tracking, project management, and bug tracking software.
Features include:
- Installed or on-demand version.
- Scrum development.
- Support for iterations, plans, stories, areas.
- Agile functionality: burndown/burnup charts, roadmaps and changelogs.
- Issue and bug tracking.
- Testing management with Sentry.
- Complete audit trail and traceability between the issues being tested.
- Generate test results and additional issues raised as a result of the testing activity.
- Project tracking.
- Convert emails to tickets: through mailbox or directly sent to individuals.
- End user and client portals.
- Control screens and data field privacy to secure sensitive data & limit user actions.
- Instant, cross-project filters: group, sort sequence across projects.
- Drag-drop, permission-based workflow.
- Rapid data entry.
- On-demand reporting.
- Drag-drop task sequencing and dependency show/hide.
- Rapid planning enabling.
- Customizable grids with export capabilities to Excel or HTML.
- Quick entry of items with dependencies.
- Pull down data in CSV formal & import to other systems or tools.
- Support for cross-project dependencies.
- No limits on the level of nesting.
- Customizable fields.
- Pin and share with AppNav.
- Loads assets through any content delivery Network (CDN.)
- Project templates that deliver per project taxonomy.
- Process control.
- Data entry control.
- Data privacy.
- Breeze: extension app for email-to-ticketing to any project or team.
- Support for social user login with Facebook, Google, and Open ID.
- Event model subscriptions.
- Localized dates and times.
- Inline editing.
- Pin and share anything.
- Project timelines and activity stream.
- Roadmaps and changelogs.
- Calendar views.
- Swimlane scrolling.
- Connect multiple mailboxes.
- Custom content process & email templates.
- Email notifications: Outlook connector.
- Integration with Geckoboard, Breeze, Sentry, and Lucidchart.
- Free 12 months product support & upgrades.
- Gemini API Included.
- Install Marketplace Apps.
- Build your own apps.
- Optional 30% renewal after year 1.
- Option to include test management capabilities, and email to ticket integration.