Price: $197 per month or $3,995 + $34.95 per month
License: lifetime
Requirements: online, Windows, Cold Fusion 4.5+, ODBC
Version: 8
Released: October 23, 2011
Company: MemberGate Solutions, Inc.
Tags: membership software
MemberGate Features
MemberGate is an all-in-one membership software for building and managing subscription websites.
Features include:
- Webmaster user interface enhancements:
- Article tagging + tag cloud.
- Automatic page archiving and publishing.
- Banner ads, surveys, built-in blog, calendars.
- Classified ad system.
- Control panel categories can be hidden or expanded based on preference.
- Flash video player and Flash jukebox.
- HTML email, WYSIWYG HTML editor.
- List server sign up codes simplification.
- MP3 audio player, jukebox, and podcasting.
- Resource directory, site wide search.
- Sign up page generator, subscription site manager, RSS content syndication.
- Tell a friend generator.
- Unlimited image galleries.
- Website content publisher.
- Member user interface enhancements:
- Public and member area.
- Timed release department countdown, multiday calendar events.
- Facebook connect, automatic member signup, multiple membership levels.
- Discussion groups.
- Customize not-available-to-your member-plan page.
- Forum enhancements:
- Forum points, suggest, preview thread option, mark read.
- Post type, multiple attachments.
- Merge thread and profiles with mg profiles system.
- Built-in help desk.
- Security options: block users, configurable dual login lockout.
- Shopping cart enhancements:
- Real-time ccard processing.
- Pay per view options.
- Amazon s3 integration and delivery.
- Failed payment attempt email notification (new member and cart).
- Subscription tax.
- Submit individual line items to
- Locked shopping cart pages.
- Infusionsoft integration.
- Affiliates:
- PayPal affiliate mass pay.
- Affiliate payout history.
- Super affiliates.
- Flat rate affiliate commission.
- Google / SEO:
- Google first click free, Google Analytics.
- Department + shopping cart keyword rich URLs.
- Configurable content page meta tags.
- Split testing.
- Custom meta keys + departments added to departments, shopping cart products.
- Report enhancements:
- Cancellation report sorting.
- Configurable page for unaccessible timed release content.
- Daily status historical snapshot.
- Department user access control.
- Download area search options.
- Failed payment attempt notifications.
- Historical snapshots.
- Instant refferer ad tracking.
- Member activity.
- Member value report.
- Record individual transactions items - subtotal, shipping total, tax total, tax rate, tax state.
- Recur rebill predictor.
- Robust cancellation report (details user value, activity etc).
- Search phrase report.
- Suspicious activity report.