Price: $129.95/229.95
License: lifetime
Requirements: online, Windows XP/Vista/7
Version: 10
Company: Business Resource Software, Inc.
Tags: business plan software
Plan Write Features
Plan Write business plan software offers 100s of sample business plans.
Features include:
- Step-by-step instructions.
- Automatic 3D color charts.
- Complete financials.
- Import your data from excel.
- Online tutorials.
- Standard and expert editions.
- Business plan wizard.
- Tailored examples.
- Format preferred by lenders and investors.
- Executive summary.
- Customized for your unique business.
- PowerPoint presentation interface.
- Automatic financial statements.
- Expanded financial statements.
- QuickBooks Pro interface.
- Industry profiles.
- Insight from 100+ strategy experts.
- Consultant-level interview and analysis.
- Identifies strengths and weaknesses.
- Demonstrates industry strength.
- Reveals your competitive advantage.
- Recommends marketing position.
- Suggests growth strategy.
- Confirms the investment opportunity.
- Expert analysis of completeness.
- Spelling and grammar check.
- Export to Word and other formats.
- Automatic linked spreadsheets.
- Add any spreadsheets you want.
- Organization chart builder.
- Graphic estimator.
- Save any plan as a template.
- Milestones.
- Personal financial statement.
- MBA Wizard analysis of:
- Business strategy.
- Competitive advantage.
- Environmental success factors.
- Tendency to buy.
- Price sensitivity.
- Market viability.
- BCG matrix.
- Competitive position.
- Industry attractiveness.
- Business risk.
- Market forces.
- Advertising and promotion.
- 36 insightful strategy charts.
- Organization chart.
- Critical personnel section.
- Detailed profit and loss statement.
- Cash planning.
- Save plans as a template.
- Expanded financial statements allows you to add as many detail line items as you need.
- 5 year financials and charts.
- Cash flow and balance sheet.
- Free business plan score from business planning expert.
- Unlimited free calls to support staff.
- 90 day money back guarantee.