Price: $29.99/49.99/79.99+ per user, per month
Requirements: online
Company: tuCloud Global LLC.
Tags: hosted desktop
tuCloud Features
TuCloud offers fully managed hosted desktops to organizations with more than 100 desktop users.
Features include:
- USB Plug-n-Play desktop connectivity.
- Smartcard authentication.
- Optimized performance and network utilization.
- HDX real-time.
- Bidirectional audio capabilities on hosted virtual desktops.
- HDX SmartAccess.
- Single sign-on.
- HDX Adaptive Orchestration.
- HDX MediaStream.
- HDX Broadcast.
- HDX RichGraphics for 2D 3D RichGraphics.
- Multi-platform compatible.
- Distributed architecture.
- Desktop anti-malware antivirus monitoring.
- 24/7 intrusion detection at network level.
- Free desktop infrastructure and connectivity support.
- 99.99% SLA for data recovery.
- Redundant power and connections.
- Source encryption file level and folder level encryptions also available.
- Easily scalable.
- Data accessibility.
- Leveraged SW licensing.