Price: $97/297
License: lifetime
Requirements: online, PHP 5.2+, WordPress 3.0+
Version: 2.7
Released: September 7, 2011
Tags: membership software
Wishlist Member Features
Wishlist Member membership software can turn any WordPress blog into a membership website.
Features include:
- Unlimited membership levels:
- Multi-level membership.
- Multiple payment options.
- Integrates with your WordPress site.
- Flexible membership options: create free, trial, or paid membership levels or any combination of the three.
- Member management:
- View members, their registration status, membership level.
- Easily upgrade members, move them to different levels, pause their membership, or delete them entirely.
- Sequential membership: graduate your members from one level to the next.
- Control viewed content:
- Protect exclusive content for members of a particular level.
- Create modular memberships and hide content from other levels.
- Shopping cart integration.
- Autoresponder integration.
- Multi-level access.
- Total content protection:
- Grant access to specific posts, pages, categories and comments for each membership level.
- Secure RSS feeds:
- Non-members can't access the feed.
- Automatic feed cancellation for unsubscribed members.
- Sneak peak content display.
- Set a different redirection page for each membership level.
- Subscription length control.
- Custom error pages.
- Partial content display.
- Unlimited support and updates for 1 year.
- 30 day money-back guarantee.