How to Find Out What Keywords Your Customers Are Searching With

In this article I show you how to capture your most targeted visitors with the search engines by discovering what keywords they search with.

To get high search engine rankings, you must include the keywords that your potential customers are search with, in your web pages.

To find out what your most targeted keywords are, you need a keyword analysis service, such as Wordtracker.

Wordtracker will help you find all keyword combinations that bear any relation to your business or service. It does this by providing analysis of actual searches conducted in metacrawler search engines.

You may wonder why it's important that you need to know what keywords your potential customers are searching with. Let me show you why with some examples.

Here are the most popular searches for the different variations of the search term, "keywords," according to Wordtracker:

Search TermSearches
key words68

Notice the different variations? The second keyword is capitalized. The third keyword is split into two words.

Here are the most popular searches for the different variations of the search term, "marketing strategies," according to Wordtracker:

Search TermSearches
marketing strategies319
marketing strategy280
Marketing Strategy172
Marketing Strategies22

Why Is It Important?

Well, if you wanted to target search engine users, you would want to include all the different variations of the keyword you want to target. This will help to persuade the search engines that your web page is relevant for the different keyword searches.

I have used this strategy over the years to help me obtain thousands of top rankings for my web sites, and those of my clients.

If you need to improve your search engine rankings, I highly recommend that you reconsider your keyword targeting strategies.

About the author: Michael Wong is the editor of and author of, which shows people how to make money online. Mike entered the internet industry in 1998. He sold a website to a SoftBank funded start-up in 2000. He wrote one of the earliest SEO books in 2002. And he's generated millions in online revenue since then.
You have Mike's permission to republish this article in your website, on the condition you include Mike's bio after the article.