Free Blog

These websites let you set up a free blog to share your stories, videos, and photos.
Weebly screenshot
Price: free/$7.95-24.95/mth | Tags: free website, free blog, website builder, web hosting
Weebly lets you build a free website or free blog with its drag-and-drop website builder. Features: 100+ themes, blogging, full HTML/CSS control, traffic stats, free domain hosting, search engine optimized, automatic mobile site, Google Analytics, and white label version. screenshot
Price: free-$60+/yr | Tags: free blog, wordpress hosting lets you set up a free blog managed by the developers of the WordPress software. Features: CMS, WYSIWYG editor, build a website, 190+ themes, add images, audio, and video, custom design, stats, iPhone, iPad, Android, BlackBerry, Windows 7, Nokia and WebOS apps, premium upgrades, and backups.
Tumblr screenshot
Price: free | Tags: free blog
Tumblr is a free blog hosting platform with customizable templates, bookmarklets, photos, mobile apps, and social network. Features: 100s of themes, create original themes, post via email, custom domains, photosets, Google optimized, 12 languages, short URLs, share buttons, mass edit posts and tags, and API.
Blogger screenshot
Price: free | Tags: free blog
Blogger is a free blog hosting platform from Google. Features: customize your design, free templates, 41 languages, 100s of background images, dozens of flexible layouts, drag-and-drop interface, group blogging, make money with AdSense, saves automatically, custom domain, add photos and videos, and spell-checker. screenshot
Price: free-$68+/yr | Tags: free blog lets you set up a free blog with over 100 free themes to choose from. Features: 2GB free, multi-author blogs, widgets and menus, connect with Facebook, post from your mobile phone or 3rd party services, your own domain, multimedia support, password protection, no ads or your own, custom design, and search engine friendly.